Rev. Dr.
Erin F. Moniz
Hi, I'm Erin. I disciple emerging adults. I am passionate about journeying with them towards healthy, gospel-centered relationships.
Knowing and Being Known: Hope for All Our Intimate Relationships (Pre-order Now!) IVP May 6, 2025
Ministry. Writing. Speaking
The gospel informs, transforms, and carries us in love and grace towards healthy relationships that sanctify us and witness Christ to a wounded world. Our relationship with God produces the fruit that sustains relationships with others in several spheres of life:
Intimate Relationships (including singleness, community, family, etc.,)
Gender Theology (The missional partnership of women & men)
Racial Healing / Social Justice
Ecumenicism and Interfaith Cooperation
What is a theology of intimacy for emerging adults? Listen to this interview as Erin shares about her research and how she uses it to minister to 18-29 year olds about intimate relationships.
Listen as Erin applies her research to the topic of marriage and gender roles on the BRAVE MARRIAGE podcast with host, Kensi Duszynski.