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Hi, I'm Erin. I disciple emerging adults. I am passionate about journeying with them towards healthy, gospel-centered relationships.

Knowing and Being Known: Hope for All Our Intimate Relationships (Pre-order Now!) IVP May 6, 2025


Ministry. Writing. Speaking

The gospel informs, transforms, and carries us in love and grace towards healthy relationships that sanctify us and witness Christ to a wounded world. Our relationship with God produces the fruit that sustains relationships with others in several spheres of life:

  • Intimate Relationships (including singleness, community, family, etc.,)

  • Gender Theology (The missional partnership of women & men)

  • Racial Healing / Social Justice

  • Ecumenicism and Interfaith Cooperation

About Me

What is a theology of intimacy for emerging adults? Listen to this interview as Erin shares about her research and how she uses it to minister to 18-29 year olds about intimate relationships.

Listen as Erin applies her research to the topic of marriage and gender roles on the BRAVE MARRIAGE podcast with host, Kensi Duszynski.

Erin needs your help

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