Sermons & Presentations
Sermon: Christ Church Austin, 7/14/2024
Using Psalm 88, this sermon looks at the ache of loneliness and despair and how Scripture helps us navigate and understand these issues in our lives. This is part of a summer sermon series on the Psalms and mental/emotional health.
Sermon Closing Parish Retreat: Christ Church of Austin 10/29/2023
Friendship & the Gospel of Ruth
This sermon is the capstone talk for a full weekend of talks and activities for the Parish Retreat. The theme of the retreat is The Art of Friendship. This sermon is on the book of Ruth and how friendship is where we learn and know and the gospel.
Sermon: Trinity School for Ministry, 11/30/2022
Back at her alma mater, Erin delivers the sermon for Trinity seminarians and professors for the chapel service prior to Advent 2022.
Sermon: Christ Church Austin, 9/25/2022
Continuing the church's series through the book of Revelation, Erin preaches on Revelation 7:9-17
Sermon: George W. Truett Seminary, 10/25/2022
This sermon was delivered to the seminarians, faculty, and staff of Truett Seminary at Baylor University for their weekly chapel service. The passage selection: Genesis 16:1-16
Sermon: Christ Church Austin, 5/29/2022
This sermon is a special address that outlines ways to care for 18-29 year olds in our churches.
Panel Discussion: Episcopal Student Center at Baylor University, 3/27/2022
Erin joins two other panelist to debate whether Christians should or should not use the Enneagram.
Sermon: Chapel Service at Berry College, 9/5/2021
This sermon was delivered to the Berry College students attending College Church outside on the front steps of the College Chapel. Erin asks students to consider why they do (or would) attend a local church and what it means to be the church.
Sermon: Chapel Service at Berry College, 5/20/2021
This post-pandemic sermon was delivered to the Berry College students attending College Church outside on the front steps of the College Chapel. Erin invites students to reflect on the toll of the lock-down and how to move forward in spiritual renewal.