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Herb Plants

Friendship as Chosen Family in the local church

"Have you met people? They are the worst."

Community is messy and will always be risky because people are both beautiful and broken. But if we hope to live out biblical friendship in our church families, we have no choice but to figure out a way forward.

But there is hope.

The people of God are given the presence and indwelling of the Holy Spirit which enables us to be in relationship well as we learn the gospel together. 

If you are still skeptical, click below and listen to Erin talk about why this is essential for the local church and how Scripture grounds our identity in Christ through relationships with one another.

Your story matters

The Local Church is a Chosen FamilyThe Art of Friendship
00:00 / 50:11

"How do we accomplish this in the local church?"

Integrating our lives with each other must be done with safety, health, and responsibility at the center. However, there is no singular formula for how to experience "framilyship" in the local church. But we hear stories all the time of people doing things that allow for the integration of family life to transcend proximity, relationship status, gender, and age.

We want to help you develop an imagination for how this can work for you.

So share your story or just read the submissions from others! We want to collect a gallery of creativity that spurs us on to attempt bold and rich efforts in our own churches.

How remarkable would it be if our churches became havens where everyone (regardless of relationship status or age) could have a family?

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